Thursday Jan 16, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM MST
Thursday, January 16th at 5pm
Ordinary Fellow Winery 202 Peach Ave Palisade, CO 81526
FREE admission, but donations appreciated.
JoAnn Rasmussen
Palisade Historical Society Chair
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The Palisade Historical Society’s monthly history talk at the Ordinary Fellow Winery, 202 Peach Avenue in Palisade, will be Matt Darling, Curator of Cross Orchards Historic Site, as he shares stories about the early days of this Historic Site and the fruit industry's challenges in the valley. The Cross Orchards at its peak was an agricultural showcase and one of the largest orchards in the State. The three oldest buildings on the property, the barn/packing shed, bunkhouse and manager's house are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The talk will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 16th at The Ordinary Fellow Winery. This program is open to the public in a relaxed and comfortable setting for people to learn about Palisade’s unique history and enjoy a glass of wine. The tasting room opens at noon, so come early. There is no admission fee, but donations are appreciated.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Palisade Chamber of Commerce for more information.
305 Main Street, Suite 102, Palisade, CO 81526 – (970) 464-7458 –