Date and Time
Monday Apr 21, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM MDT
Fruita Civic Center
325 E Aspen Ave, Fruita, CO 81521
The Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce (FACC) and Palisade Chamber of Commerce (PCOC) Workforce Development Committee (WDC) exists to foster rural initiatives and collaboration among industry, education, and workforce partners to establish well-defined career pathways, facilitate the creation of purposeful internships for employers, and facilitate the connection of adult learners with employers throughout Mesa County. This committee provides a platform for the exchange of ideas, program initiatives, and feedback, and it remains fully committed to actively supporting and advancing the workforce development initiatives of the Chambers for the benefit of Mesa County’s Workforce Development, specifically in rural Mesa County with respect to the Fruita and Palisade areas. The WDC is a joint committee supporting the Fruita and Palisade Chamber of Commerce and its members. The Committee Co-Chair(s) (FACC/PCOC Staff) shall work together to create the agenda and conduct meetings, with support from Board-appointed Committee Chair(s).