Date and Time
Monday Apr 6, 2026
8:45 AM - 2:45 PM MDT
845 am Check In
245 pm Wrap Up
Lighthouse Program
1060 Orchard Ave (north entrance)
Grand Junction, CO 81501
$50 fee; proceeds support local scholarships
visit www.dyslexiaco.org/events to register
Contact Information
Cerise Moran Hock (Director)
Send Email
Join us for our 8th Annual Learning Symposium
This training provides essential guidance on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Section 504 plans, and effective strategies for navigating the educational landscape.
Gain valuable insights into supporting diverse learners, fostering inclusion, and advocating for students with special needs, promoting an inclusive and empowering educational environment.
Once this support is in place, the focus turns on helping a child LEARN to LEARN and succeed in life with dyslexia. This event is for parents of children with dyslexia, teachers, OT/SP Therapists, health care providers and the community. Lunch and Prizes are included! PD Certificates Awarded!!