The Blue Pig Gallery




About Us

Welcome to Palisade’s original art gallery, founded in 2007, The Chinese Year of the Pig.

The Blue Pig doesn’t sniff out truffles, he has a nose for fine art. He’s a token of luck, leisure, and prosperity.

Located in the historical J.W. Hugus Building at the center of downtown Palisade, Colorado, Blue Pig Gallery showcases local fine art masterpieces and inspires the inner artist with workshops for all mediums, age groups, and ability levels.

Blue Pig Gallery showcases the work of more than 65 Colorado artists and inspires the artist in us all with classes and workshops for emerging artists of all ages.

Blue Pig Gallery is a 4,000 square foot art gallery and 2200 square feet of educational space. Espresso, eats, and local libations are coming soon, too.

Each year we host the art contests for the Honey Bee Festival, Lavender Festival, and Palisade Peach Festival. We also host the annual Art & Chocolate Walk, and celebrate the annual PAV Art Installations, which coincide with Blue Big’s birthday.


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Painting with Pastels Workshop
Landscape Painting with Oil and Acrylic

Rep/Contact Info

Heather Nowak